Toshiyuki Fujioka
Senior Researcher: Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating
3th Floor
Toshi is a member of Geochronology and Geology Program at CENIEH since Dec 2019. He obtained his PhD in geochronology and geomorphology in 2007 at The Australian National University, followed by two postdoc fellowships in ANU (2007-2009) and Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (2010-2013). Later, he held a tenure Earth Scientist/Accelerator Physicist position at ANSTO until he moved to Spain in late 2019. His expertise is in cosmogenic nuclide dating and its application. Last two years, he has developed a routine 10Be-26Al sample preparation protocol in CENIEH. He is currently involved with projects including human evolution studies in Atapuerca, Iberian Peninsula, east Africa, Israel and Armenia, paleoclimate studies in Pyrenees and Antarctica, and landscape evolution studies in northern Spain, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina.