The book “Métodos cronométricos en Arqueología, Historia y Paleontología” is aimed at geochronology professionals and students interested in understanding how humanity's past is dated

The researcher Davinia Moreno, a geochronologist at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), has collaborated on the publication of the first book in Spanish on dating methods applicable to Archaeology, History and Paleontology, with the chapter dedicated to Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), which includes a practical case of how it is applied to the Gran Dolina site in Atapuerca (Burgos).
The idea of publishing a book in Spanish setting out in detail the principal dating methods applicable during the Quaternary arose following the Ibercrono International Conference, held in Barcelona in 2016.
At this scientific meeting, the pressing need to make these dating methods better known became clear, for their results to be comprehensible and accessible to professionals dedicated to studying the past.
Over its 20 chapters, this book, entitled “Métodos cronométricos en Arqueología, Historia y Paleontología”, deals with the chronology of the past from very different perspectives. These range from philosophical questions on the very idea of “what is time” or the meaning of “measuring time” to more methodological chapters in which acknowledged specialists present most of the existing dating methods clearly and rigorously.
The final chapters are devoted to statistical aspects of data processing and calibrating radiocarbon results, both of them basic points for interpreting ages correctly.