Call 2024-IV

Luminescence Dating

The call for competitive accesses for the Luminescence Laboratory is now open in Call 2024-IV at CENIEH. The aim of this call is to support research using the analytical instrumentation in the Luminescence Dating Laboratory and to regulate the submission of applications for services.

  • From: June 13th, 2024
  • To: July 15th, 2024


Call 2024-IV
Submission period Experiment period Call for Proposal: Competitive code Results
From 12/06/2024 to 15/07/2024
From July 2024 to January 2027.
Luminescence Dating

Request for Luminescence Dating

This call refers to the requests for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediment, involving the complete process (quartz extraction, measurements and age estimation). A total of 70 samples will be accepted in this call. Each application can include a maximum of 7 samples. A single applicant or research project should not submit several applications to this call. 

The results will be reported within the following 12 months after the arrival of the samples to the CENIEH.Rate A fees, established in General Fees, will be applied to the accepted competitive access requests. The corresponding invoice will be issued after finishing the analysis. 

Sampling will be carried out by the specialised staff of the CENIEH Luminescence Laboratory. The derived costs should be covered by the applying project. In exceptional cases and only after the acceptance by the laboratory staff samples can be collected directly by the applicants.ff.

Samples must arrive at CENIEH within 6 months after the resolution of the present call; otherwise, the application will be rejected and the request for dating will have to be submitted again in future calls.

Publications derived from the work carried out within the competitive call must offer fair recognition to the staff and the institution, making reference or acknowledgments that the analysis has been carried out at CENIEH, and mentioning the laboratory and the competitive call to which it has been submitted (LM2024-I).  Publications will be sent, once published, to

To submit your proposal, please register in the User Office. Fill in the Competitive Access tab and select the code LM2024-I.

In the application form of the User Office, please include in the section "General Information" the following information or attach it as an application memorandum:

- Brief report justifying the relevance of the objectives (approx. 1 page).

- Location of the samples, site if applicable, etc...

- Period of interest if known (Holocene, Pleistocene...) and sedimentary environment (karst, fluvial, etc.).

- Number of samples to be dated

- Other information considered of interest for the evaluation of the proposal.

The internal CENIEH committee and an external CENIEH committee will evaluate all proposals received.

For questions on project feasibility contact or, referring to code LM2024-I.

For assistance with the User's Office portal contact, referencing code LM2024-I.