Call 2024-V

Cosmogenic Nuclides Dating

The call proposal for 2024-V is now open for the Cosmogenic Nuclides dating laboratory.

  • Open: 25th September 2024

  • Close: 25th October 2024

Call for Proposals for 2024-V will cover experiments for samples that can be delivered to CENIEH by 20th December 2024.

  • Proposal can be written preferably in English.

  • All the successful competitive access will be applied RATE A in  General Rates.

  • To submit your proposal, please register for the CENIEH User Office (, or use existing user profile to create a new proposal. Fill the Competitive Access tab and select the Competitive code CO2024-I.


Call 2024-V
Submission period Experiment period Call for Proposal: Competitive code Results
From 25/09/2024 to 25/10/2024
From sample reception to 31/12/2025
Cosmogenic Nuclides Dating

Request for Cosmogenic Nuclides Dating

The open call includes chemistry sample preparation for 10Be (and 26Al), ancillary analysis (e.g., XRD, ICP-OES), data reduction and interpretation of the results. Field sampling may be included upon request. Note that the call does not include costs for AMS isotope analysis, which will be arranged case by case.

The samples can be collected by the applicants without help from CENIEH scientist, albeit specific conditions of sample collection and acceptance requirements for the dating method must be met.

Applicants must consult the CENIEH scientist from the Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating Group (Dr Toshiyuki Fujioka: prior to submitting a proposal to discuss sampling design, dating approach, AMS analysis cost, and other details.

This call will accept a total of approximately 10-15 samples (20% of annual capacity of the laboratory), where in principle the number of samples per proposal must not exceed this number unless the applicant consult and discuss with the said CENIEH scientist prior.

The following information must be included in the scientific description (please ask the CENIEH scientist for a template):

  • Number of samples

  • Material types (e.g., bedrock, sediment, gravels)

  • Grain size (in case of sediment, gravels; if known)

  • Lithological type, and/or quartz content (if known), and/or mineral or elemental composition measured via, e.g., XRD, XRF, ICP-OES (if available)

  • Approximate mass available per material

  • Approach (e.g., exposure dating, erosion rate, burial dating)

  • Settings (e.g., glacial boulders/bedrock, fluvial/marine terraces, cave deposits, river/lake sediments, meteorite impact crater, etc.)

  • Expected age range (or erosion rate range)

  • Sample site coordinate (latitude, longitude, elevation)

  • Sample depth (e.g., surface or depth at xxx cm)

  • Background erosion rate in the catchment/region (in case for exposure dating and burial dating application; if known)

  • Brief profile of proposed author(s)

  • List of the latest 5 publications by author(s)

For specific questions during the proposal preparation, please contact Dr Toshiyuki Fujioka ( or technical staff Santiago Padilla (, referring to the code CO2024-I.

For general information or help with the User Office Portal, please contact,, referring to the code CO2024-I.

Proposals can be submitted between 25th September 2024 and 25th October 2024 before 11:59 p.m. (CET: Central European Time). Any proposal received after this date and time will not be evaluated.