Altug Hasözbek

Researcher: Uranium Series Dating
2nd Floor
Altug Hasozbek, a distinguished geochemist with a Ph.D. from Tübingen University (Germany, 2010) and an Associate Professorship at Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey, 2018-2021), has significantly advanced geochronology, isotope geochemistry and geology. Awarded a DAAD Research Scholarship (Germany, 2007-2008) and a post-doctoral fellowship at Argonne National Lab (Chicago, 2010-2013) funded by the Department of Energy (US), he developed the innovative Uranium Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (U-IDMS) technique. At CENIEH (Burgos, Spain), his current research involves U-Th dating on various carbonate matrices such as speleothems, shells, bones, and teeth, and studying Sr-mobility at Atapuerca using MC ICP MS for both solution and laser ablation-based analyses.