Santiago Padilla Domínguez
Cosmogenic Nuclides Laboratory Technician
3th floor
Santiago Padilla Domínguez holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics from University of Seville, where he made his PhD on the extraction and determination of the concentration of both cosmogenics radionuclides 26Al and 10Be in several kind of nature samples such as quartz, sediments, atmospheric aerosols, and Volcanic rocks. He is also an expert on the setting up and the measurement of both radionuclides by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). On his PhD, He made a stay in the Ion Beam Physics Laboratory at the ETH (Zürich). From 2017 to 2022, He made his Posdoc in the AMS Laboratory (LEMA), in the National Autonomous university of Mexico (UNAM), where He opened and developed the new research line for both radionuclides and their subsequent measurement by AMS.