Area Research Reference 01/2022 ERC-2020-STG DEATHREVOL Publication date 10th February 2022 Deadline 1st March 2022 Resolution date 25th March 2022 Offer attachments Basis and Criteria for the offer of temporary employment predoctoral researcher974.22 KB Appoinment of members for the offer of temporary employment predoctoral researcher672.09 KB Provisional List admitted and excluded candidates 012022 ERC PREDOC630.35 KB Final list of admitted and excluded 01/2022 ERC PREDOC DEATHREVOL512.7 KB Final list CV Valoration 01/2022 ERC PREDOC DEATHREVOL467.24 KB Evaluacion List personal interview 01/2022 ERC PREDOC DEATHREVOL100.04 KB Resolution Resolution 01/2022 ERC PREDOC DEATHREVOL66.2 KB