20th CENIEH Anniversary - 6th July, 2024

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On the occasion of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of CENIEH, Prof. José María Bermúdez de Castro, academician of the RAE and ad honorem researcher of CENIEH, will give the lecture "El lenguaje científico en la Real Academia Española", on Saturday, July 6th in the Auditorium of CENIEH, with the collaboration of the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) - Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.

In this conference, Bermúdez de Castro will give us a closer look at the work he does at the RAE. The development of all scientific disciplines generates an immense flow of terms, which are part of the particular jargon of small groups. However, some of these terms filter into society and may end up forming part of the common lexicon of speakers and the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE). In these cases, the Real Academia Española must strive to write the clearest and most concise definition for these terms. In addition, the common names of hundreds of species of plants and animals have found their way into the DLE and their meanings must be revised from time to time.

Admission is free, but requires an invitation that can be booked through Eventbrite. It can also be followed in streaming on the CENIEH Channel on YouTube. There will be Sign Language Interpretation (ILSE), thanks to the collaboration of the Asociación de Familias de Personas Sordas de Burgos (ARANSBUR).