Call 2024-V
Archaeomagnetism AG2024-I
The CENIEH calls for proposals (AG2024-I), for the Archaeomagnetism Laboratory. The goal of this call is to provide support to research using the capabilities of the laboratory.
- Opening: September 10th, 2024
- Deadline: October 7th, 2024
This call proposal 2023-VII includes:
- Use of the equipments and Archaeomagnetism facilities
- Sample preparation and laboratory analysis, which will be carried out from the reception of samples in the laboratory until December 2025.
- Laboratory fees apply according to the “A type rate”
- To submit your proposal, please register on the CENIEH User Office or use your user and password to sign up and create a new proposal. Fill out the Competitive Access tab and select the competitive code AG2024-I.
Submission period | Experiment period | Call for Proposal: Competitive code | Results |
From 10/09/2024 to 07/10/2024 |
From call results to 31/12/2025
Archaeomagnetism AG2024-I |
Call results AG2024-I1.04 MB |
Request for Archaeomagnetism AG2024-I
This call is to give access and regulate service requests for the Archaeomagnetism Laboratory. It includes access in qualified user mode: susceptometer MFK1-FA (three frequencies), vibrating sample magnetometer (MicroMag 3900, VSM), alternating field demagnetizer LDA5 up to 200 mT, (and the PAM1 complement to generate IRM y ARM), thermal demagnetizer TD-48SC, impuls magnetizer 2G Model 670 IRM up to 1T and impulse magnetizer ASC IRM 10-30 with two magnetizer coils (of 2T and 5T repecteively), and JR6A dual spinner magnetometer.
All this with the aim to being able to carry out:
Anisotropyof the magnetic susceptibility analysis (various frequencies)
Study of rock magnetism by performing Hysteresis Cycles, acquiring Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) curves, and obtaining First Order Reversed Curves (FORC’s)
Isothermal remanent magnetism analysis (IRM) up to 1, 2 or 5T
Determination of Natural Remanent Magnetism (NRM)of samples by Thermal Demagnetization (TH) and/or Alternatin Fields (AF)
Anisotropy analysis of Anysteretic Remanent Magnetization (AARM) or the IRM (AIRM)
The framework for carrying out these analyses will be from call results until December 2023.
For this application, the samples to be analyzed, in case that they are provided by the user and not obtained in the field by the laboratory technician, must accomplish a series of requirements:
Susceptometer MFK1-FA, alternating field demagnetizer LDA5, impulse magnetizer 2G Model 670 IRM and JR6A magnetometer: cylindrical samples (21 mm high and 25.4 mm in diameter, ≈11 cm3), cubic samples (≈8 cm3) or contained in plastic boxes of similar volume. They can be prepared in the laboratory or sent by the user already prepared.
Impulse magnetizer ASC IRM 10-30: cylindrical samples (21 mm high and 25.4 mm in diameter, ≈11 cm3) for the 2T coil, and fragments of no more than 0.6 cm in diameter for the 5T coil.
Vibration magnetometer VSM: important to specify if they are powdered samples that need preparation (capsule, box, etc.) or individual fragments.
For this call, the applicant should provide in the General Information tab of the Project/Experiment section of the User Office portal the following requirements:
Whether or not the samples are sent already prepared for analysis or if they should be obtained at the CENIEH in the Archaeomagnetism Laboratory, in any case it must be indicated
the total number of samples to be analyzed,
the specific magnetic property of interest
For questions during the proposal preparation (samples, preparation procedure, analysis, etc.) please contact:, referring to the code AG2024-I.
For more information or help with the User Office portal, please contact, referring to the code AG2024-I.
The call will accept a maximum of 60 days of lab use in the period time indicate in the call. Each proposal will have a máximum of 30 days for proposal*.
Proposals should be submitted between 6th September and 7th October 2024 before 11:59 p.m. (Peninsular time). Any electronic request received beyond the date and the time indicated above will not be considered.