The Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) forms part of ARIADNEplus, a project just approved by the European Commission for a period of four years, to develop innovative infrastructure for managing digital archaeological data.
This is the successor to the earlier project ARIADNE, which successfully integrated archaeological data infrastructure in Europe, indexing some two million data sets in its database.
The objective of ARIADNEplus is to broaden and support the research community created by the earlier project, developing the relationships with the principal stakeholders, such as the most important archaeological associations in Europe, researchers, heritage professionals, etc.
ARIADNEplus covers the whole of Europe in different archaeological domains such as Bioarchaeology and Environmental Archaeology, and Paleoanthropology, in which the CENIEH is a leader, and ranging over all the periods of human presence from the appearance of the hominins right up to today.
The contribution of the CENIEH, according to Mohamed Sahnouni, responsible for the project at this Center, will include scanned data from the fossils and lithic industry collections, data on geochronology, digital mapping and geophysical data, among others.
The ARIADNEplus data infrastructure will be integrated into a cloud which will offer virtual environments in which data-driven archaeological research will be possible.