The CENIEH pays homage to its first director, the driver of this research center, and to his entire scientific career, as codirector of the Atapuerca sites, and member of the Real Academia de la Lengua
This afternoon at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), in collaboration with the Fundación Atapuerca, a ceremony to honor José María Bermúdez de Castro was held, to mark his scientific career and because he was the driver of this research center, and this concluded with the unveiling of a plaque in the Library, which will bear his name from today.
The CENIEH Assembly Hall broke into applause when the member of the Real Academia covered his face in surprise and emotion in response to the warm welcome he received from personalities of Burgos, researchers, members of the Atapuerca Research team, friends and relations.
The ceremony started with a welcome from the CENIEH Director, María Martinón Torres, who was visibly moved, and there were short speeches by Yolanda Fernández Jalvo, his first doctoral student; Cecilia García Campos, his last doctoral student; the psychiatrist Jesús de la Gándara, and his “friend and brother” Eudald Carbonell, the other codirector of the Atapuerca sites.
Gladiator of Science and Literature
After these interventions, the video “Gladiator of Science and Literature”, which looks over his career as a scientist and member of the Real Academia, was shown. This footage contains photographs from his personal and professional life, and includes recordings of gratitude and congratulations from family members, friends, colleagues, and collaborators from all over the world.
All the interventions and recordings made clear his passion for science, his dedication to the study of human evolution and scientific achievements, and they highlighted his human qualities: “above all, you are a wonderful person”.
Next, Chitina Moreno-Torres, the CENIEH Communication Officer, presented him with a sculpture by the artist Javier Sanz depicting the handaxe in the CENIEH logo, following which José María himself spoke to express his gratitude for the affection of those present and declaring his wish to continue his work as a researcher and academic. After his intervention, Happy Birthday was sung to him, and his two youngest children and two of his grandchildren brought him a cake to mark his recent birthday on June 18th.
The ceremony concluded with a toast, as the Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Ribera del Duero (CRDORD), benefactor of the Fundación Atapuerca, also wished to pay homage to him, by offering a selection of its wines.