The first meeting of 2024 of the Governing Council of the Centro de Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana has been attendedby its vice-president Eva Ortega Paíno, who has visited the laboratories and have met with the staff
Today, the new Secretary General for Research of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Eva Ortega Paíno, has visited el Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), where she highlighted the excellence of the science developed in this world reference center in the study of our origins.
Attending the first meeting of the year of the CENIEH Governing Council allow Eva Ortega Paíno to visit the laboratories of Comparative Anatomy, Experimental Archaeology and Taphonomy, Archaeometry, Digital Cartography and 3D Analysis, Conservation and Restoration, Geochronology, and Geology. She has also visited the vault where the remains of Homo antecessor and other hominid fossils from Atapuerca are deposited.
The Secretary General for Research has met with the staff of the Center, in order to learn first hand about their concerns and worries, to whom she has addressed to assure them that she takes good note of all their comments and observations and to emphasize their human and professional quality.

Her stay in Burgos has included a short visit to the Atapuerca sites, accompanied by the director of CENIEH María Martinón Torres and the director of the Museum of Human Evolution (MEH) Aurora Martín Nájera.
Governing Council
The Governing Council is the governing body of the CENIEH and is currently chaired by Blanca Ares González, director de Universidades e Investigación JCyL), and is made up of a vice-presiden Eva Ortega Paíno, five members : José Ignacio Doncel Morales, subdirector general de Grandes Instalaciones Científico-Técnicas (MICINN); Ángela Fernández Curto, subdirectora general adjunta de Grandes Instalaciones Científico-Técnicas (MICINN); Carlos Closa Montero, vicepresidente de Organización y Relaciones Institucionales (CSIC); Jesús Manuel Hurtado Olea, secretario general de la Consejería de Educación (JCyL), y José Miguel García Pérez, vicerrector de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento (UBU), and by a secretary, José Luis Martín-Palacín Gutiérrez, abogado del Estado.