On August 13th 2018, the European Commission communicated the concession of a project for the subsequent 4 years under the call H2020-INFRAIA-2018-1: ARIADNEplus, for the amount of €91,935. This is the successor to the earlier project ARIADNE, which successfully integrated archaeological data infrastructure in Europe, indexing some 2,000,000 datasets in its database.

ARIADNEplus will be founded on the results of ARIADNE, supporting the research community created by the earlier project, developing the relationships with the principal stakeholders, such as the most important archaeological associations in Europe, researchers, heritage professionals, national heritage agencies, etc. The new expanded ARIADNEplus association covers the whole of Europe. It now includes leaders in different archaeological domains such as Paleoanthropology (CENIEH).

The ARIADNEplus data infrastructure will be integrated into a cloud offering virtual environments where data-driven archaeological research will be possible. Mohamed Sahnouni is the lead researcher on the project at the CENIEH.