On July 2024, CENIEH has obtained the "HR Excellence in Research Award" from the European Commission, which recognizes CENIEH's commitment to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code), and firmly supports its commitment in improving internal policies and procedures.
This recognition of excellence is an opportunity to establish a comprehensive and coherent Human Resources Strategy for Researcher (HR4R) that should allow to achieve international visibility by providing a favourable working environment for research, technical and management work, with equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work-life balance.
CENIEH is now carrying out the Implementation Phase as this award also commits CENIEH to its Action Plan to improve its capabilities and performance across a wide range of principles, among them: recruitment and gender issues. So, in the process of implementing a human-resources strategy for researchers involves directly in aligning all recruitment and selection procedures according to the principles of OTM-R (open, transparent, and merit-based) and guaranteeing the principle of non-discrimination and the best adequacy between academic training (specific studies) and the activities to be developed.