Geomorphology and Formation Processes

This line of research deals with the study of landscape modeling to determine its dynamical evolution, reconstructing the morphogenetic processes and their relationship with climate change, and frame paleontological deposits in archaeological physical context.

These studies modeling the landscape, to determine its dynamic evolution, reconstruct the morphogenetic processes and their interrelations with climate change, and place archaeo-paleontological sites in their physical context. The approach is geomorphological, with application of GIS for the analysis of paleolandscapes, producing cartographic media, databases and morphometrical information.

Also the processes responsible for the formation of the strata at archaeological and/or paleontological aggregates are analyzed, from a geoarchaeological and multidisciplinary perspective, to yield interpretations of the formative dynamic of sites, the integrity of the archaeo-paleontological associations, their taphonomy, degree of conservation and representativeness.

Last updated: 04/12/2023