The Archaeology Program focuses principally on reconstructing the technical and subsistence strategies of humans in prehistory, using a multidisciplinary approach that integrates studies of lithic technology, archaeozoology, bone taphonomy, formation of archaeological sites and spatial archaeology. In terms of technological strategy, the program investigates the stone and bone industries excavated at archaeological sites with the goal of reconstructing their technological processes and the sequence reductions that led to their elaboration. The approach used is holistic, encompassing the entire process of manufacturing in the industries, from raw material selection and manufacture to the use and discard of artefacts. In terms of subsistence strategies, the program studies past subsistence activities and how food was obtained, by examining the natural deposition of bones and identification of animal bones modified by hominins as a deliberate consequence of the processing of animal carcasses. In addition, the Archaeology program studies the pattern of spatial distribution of archaeological remains in and around Paleolithic sites to explore the cognitive abilities of hominins in their use of the territory.

Research Programme Coordinator: Archaeology

Senior Researcher: The Earliest Lithic Industries