Ain Hanech
Pleistocene-Holocene sites located in the area of Ain Hanech (Sétif) on the plateaux of eastern Algeria.
Settlemetns of first species of the genus Homo, Homo erectus, archaic Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens.

Pleistocene site situated in the valley of the River Guadiana, in the municipality of Poblete, 15 km from Ciudad Real.
Settlement with Acheulean Industry.

Pleistocene-Holocene sites located in the Sierra de Atapuerca, near the city of Burgos.
Fossil remains: Homo sp., Homo antecessor, pre-Neanderthals, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens.
Cova del Tabac
Pleistocene / Holocene site located in the first foothills of the Pre-Pyrenees, in the municipality of Camarasa, province of Lleida.
Remains of the Middle Pleistocene and Neolithic with rock art.

Cova Gran de Santa Liña
Pleistocene-Holocene site located on thefirst spurs of the Pyrenean foothills.
Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens settlements.

Cueva de Abauntz
El yacimiento arqueológico de Abauntz está ubicado en el municipio de Arraitz-Orkin, en el valle de la Ultzama (Navarra)

Cueva de Guantes
Upper Pleistocene site with Mousterian industry and levels of cave bears, located in the foothills of the Sierra del Brezo, in the province of Palencia.

Miocene-Pleistocene site located in the Afar region of Eastern Ethiopia.
Settlements of Ardipithecus kadabba, Ardipithecus ramidus, Homo erectus (archaic and modern), and Homo from the Upper Pleistocene (sp. pending analysis).
The oldest lithic industry in the world, 2.6 million years old, from the beginning and end of the Acheulean and the Middle Paleolithic.

Paleontological site located in Lake Turkana, Kenya, with sedimentary sequences dated from the Miocene to the Holocene.

Prado Vargas
Pleistocene site located in the municipality of Cornejo, north of the province of Burgos, in the natural area of Ojo Guareña.
Homo neanderthalensis settlements.
Pleistocene site located in the province of Guadalajara (Spain).
Homo sapiens settlement.

Yacimiento pleistoceno que se encuentra ubicado al oeste de Argelia.
Asentamiento de Homo ergaster/Homo erectus.

Villanueva 2
Site with a Chalcolithic level and Pleistocene levels, located in the foothills of the Sierra del Brezo, province of Palencia.