Miocene-Pleistocene site located in the Afar region of Eastern Ethiopia.
Settlements of Ardipithecus kadabba, Ardipithecus ramidus, Homo erectus (archaic and modern), and Homo from the Upper Pleistocene (sp. pending analysis).
The oldest lithic industry in the world, 2.6 million years old, from the beginning and end of the Acheulean and the Middle Paleolithic.
The sites of Gona are distributed over a wide area of lake and fluvial sediments (500 km²). Excavation campaigns take place at the southern outlet of Ya'alu, in southeastern Gona, where Levallois lithic cores and flakes have been found, as well as obsidian and rhyolite knives, and a well-preserved female hominin cranium had previously been encountered.
The most significant aspect has been the finding of many new Upper Pleistocene archaeological sites with well-finished (retouched) and refined points and laminae which seem to be technologically more advanced. discovery of seven new archaeological localities at Kilaitoli (northwest Gona) with obsidian and rhyolite blades associated with a large number of human fossils estimated to the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene. A number of refined points, pyramidal cores, blades/bladelets, Ostrich eggshell beads, ground stones and pottery shards were found.