The main objective of the Geochronology and Geology Program, coordinated by Josep M. Parés, is to characterize the temporal and spatial aspects of paleo-archaeological contexts, as well as their reconstruction and the study of their formation processes. This program straddles a wide spectrum of disciplines in the geosciences, such as geochemistry, geophysics, geomorphology, stratigraphy, mineralogy, petrology and sedimentology. The methods for reaching these objectives are often intrinsically bound up with the major instrumentation capacities. The special nature of chronostratigraphy and the dating methods render parallel advances in instrumental development and implementation, and the applications of the methods, necessary. To this end, the program dedicates significant effort to methodological advances, updating processes, and improving protocols to keep the laboratories in the forefront of research.
Geochronology & Geology

Electron Spin Resonance Laboratory Technician
Postdoctoral Researcher (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship)

Researcher: Geomorphology and Formation Processes
Digital Mapping and 3D Analysis Laboratory support Technician

Luminescence Laboratory Technician

Senior Researcher: Electron Spin Resonance

Senior Researcher: Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating

Researcher: Uranium Series Dating

Uranium Series Laboratory Technician

Digital Mapping and 3D Analysis Laboratory Technician
Researcher: Luminescence Dating

Geology Laboratory Technician
Cosmogenic Nuclides Laboratory support Technician

Postdoctoral Reseacher: Electron Spin Resonance
Cosmogenic Nuclides Laboratory Technician

Research Program Coordinator: Geochronology and Geology
Geochronology support Technician

Pre-doctoral researcher of Fundación Atapuerca - CENIEH